Our church had a 50's themed volunteer appreciation dinner. Since today was "knit in public" day, we decided to bring along our WIPs and do just that. Now that I look at the pic, we look seriously domestic. ;-P But we all know the truth about that! Can't tame THESE wild women! Unless, of course, there is yarn involved. Then we would do just about anything, I suppose. It was fun! Although, there was a performance issue with me and the hula hoop. For those of you who may not know, I ama dynamite hula hoop-er. Ask my mom, I would stand in our driveway in suburban long island and hula hoop ALL DAY. I could go for HOURS. So, of course, when the time came and my hubby said, "3, 2, 1, GO!!!" My hoop kept dropping. IT WAS SO CRAZY!!! I could do it when we were warming up, but I couldn't get the darn thing going when everyone was watching me! How funny. I'm the last one you'd think would choke in front of a crowd. Especially since I'm up in front of people every week! Weird. I want a do-over!
oh i used to be the best a hoola hooping... not so much anymore! that's a bummer that your hoola hooper inside was a little shy. it sounds like you guys had a ton of fun
i was never the best at hula hooping... oh well:)
As for my spinning, A woman at our church owns a yarn/fiber studio. She also has 35 llamas, their so cute! She spins and since i started knitting at her shop I've always seen her spinning, and secretly wanted to learn. Last year at her open house/sheering days she let me try a drop spindle, and tomy amazement I was pretty good at it. Then the obsession started. I bouhgt a drop spindle of my own but knew that I could accomplish more if i only had a wheel. Brigitte (shop owner) let me use her wheel and play around with it, I was in love!. So I talked it up to my husband and with the help of his family they secretly bought me my wheel for my birthday last year! Its a rather pricy investment but its so much fun! It is also relaxing. I also got some fiber to spin for money, which helped pay off some of the wheel. I encourage anyone who is interested to try it, take a few lessons and see that you too will fall in love with yet one more craft!
Sorry for writing a novel, thanks for visiting my blog!
Hey, watch the comments about English ladies who like to drink tea and knit! LOL. It's a fun hobby and you are a terrific knitter. That red top is vavavum fabulous!
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